Learning Arabic in Morocco
Arabic as well as French is widely spoken in Morrocco Arabic is the official language following the war of Independence in 1956. Arabic is one of the most spoken languages in the world so what better than to learn Arabic while being immersed in the langauge, Morrocco has so much to offer for the intrepid language learner with many sites to see and friendly people who will always welcome you and let you practice your speaking skills.
Why is learning Arabic a good idea?
As one of the most spoken languages in the world with a high demand of Arabic speakers in the western world, learning Arabic will help you learn more about the second largest Religion Islam as the quaran is written in Arabic. As one of the United Nation’s six official languages and being the language of over 20 countries most of which are critical countries in regards to foreign policies in many western goverments.
Why learn Arabic in Morocco?
Arabic is spoken as a native language by over 400 million people the fifth most spoken language in the world one of the 6th recognised languages by the United Nations.
Arabic is the longest living spoken language and could possibly be a language oif the future with high demand of Arabic speakers in the western world but with a considerable lack of supply of speakers which presents many employment opportunities as translators, journalism, teaching and possible diplomatic missions.
Morroco offers many language centres where you can learn Arabic by native Arabic speakers as well as proviing the opportuinty to use the language in daily ife as you move around the cities and mix with local people providing a good experience to practice and test your learnt skills.
How to go about learning Arabic in Morocco?
There are two types of Arabic taught in Morocco: Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Colloquial Moroccan Arabic (CMA). MSA is the standardized and literary variety used in writing and most formal speech across the Arabic spoken countries but it is not spoken in daily life. CMA, also known as Darija, is a spoken variety of Arabic used in Morocco.
Pick from a wide range of language centres within a wide range of cities the choice is yours from the busteling city of Marrakesh to the cosmopolitain city of Rabat. Many language centres offer extra activities and services so time to check out these centres either online or face to face is certainly a wise step.
Prices range from USD$500 to up to USD$9,000 and a wide rnge of additional services are offered for the best outcome in language learning you need to be fully immersed so try to find a centre which offers Speaking clubs / cafe tours of Morrocco centres which offer other courses to locals so you can chat and mix with local students during your break times.
Some centres offer help with finding accomodation, free meals and other extra services, this is your investment and learning Arabic is an investment in yourself so find a centre where you feel comfortable, confident and can explore the language, people and culture.
Where to learn Arabic in Morocco?
There is so many Centres to learn Arabic in Morrocco doing a search of the internet will provide you with many centres to look into, here are a few centres which come recomended.
Center for Language and Culture (Marrakesh): offering qualified teaching staff with an intensive immersion into the Arabic language. The centre offers an outside space where students can refelect and learn in the garden and enjoy a quiet atmosphere to discuss during break times. Using a communicative approach which encourages students to communicate naturally and as soon as possible. They can also help students find accommodation. courses are available year-round
Arabic Language Institute in Fez (ALIF): A well established Arabic school set in shady modern villa with residential space offering Arabic TV to help immerse language learners as well as modern WIFI the centre offers MSA & CMA courses and has a wide of relevent qualified and enthiousiastic teachers. Cultural courses and activities are also provided by the vcentre to immerse students in an interactive language course. The course centre is also abale to offer “transfer credits” towards students undertaking University programs abroad. courses are available year-round
Qalam wa Lawh Center for Arabic Studies (Rabat): This centre is in the capital of Morrocco offereing a wide range of courses, it is a well renowned centre for Arabic studies the centre also offers the opportunity for students to volunteer with local projects which provides immersion into the language. The centre has a wide bank of resources, speaking clubs and accademics within the centre. The Centre offers state of the art facilities and is 10 minuets away from the city centre. courses are available year-round
Common Languages in Morocco
Officially the language of Morocco is Arabic & Spoken by most Moroccans however the Arabic spoken in Morocco is called darija and is different than other Arabic speaking countries. It is usual to find a Moroccan to be of mixed ancestry with a possible mix of Berber, Arab, Spanish, Black and Jewish Therefore over two thirds of Moroccans use Arabic as their first language but may also speak one or more other languages. Berber is spoken by over 50% of Morocco's Population especially in villages and remote places within the Atlas Mountains.
French is also commonly spoken among Berbers and Moroccans nearly all Moroccans understand and can speak a little French. Arabic is the national language and used for all formal proceedings in Morocco, international business is often conducted in French or English and many schools now teach in a mix of French and Arabic.
Due to the historical European colonisation it is also common to hear Spanish, German and most recently English in certain areas of Morocco. The Northern cities of Morocco up until only recently were still under Spanish protectorate ending in 1956 therefore Spanish is commonly spoken in Tangier. German is commonly spoken in the beach resort town of Agadir attracting many Germans.
As the tourism industry is now an important part of Morocco’s economy which English is closely linked and therefore used by almost everyone working in the tourism or hotel industry. Moroccans will provide you great respect by just speaking a few words of Arabic or knowing a few words of the Berber region you plan to visit will create a great impression and help the Local people warm to you and be more welcoming.